Lectures & Seminars
(18/01/2024) Unnamed. Objects and Places after the Revival Process in Bulgaria, Collegium Maius, organised by POSTCOMER research group, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland;
(10/11/2023) Political Sensitivities and Religious Salience of the Second-Generation Bosnian Muslims ‘in the West’ at the Centre for Migration Research (CMR), University of Warsaw, Poland;
(05/04/2023) Kosovo-Serbia: Una Pace (Im)Possibile? at the University degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale, Ciclo di seminari “Conoscere i Balcani Occidentali”;
(24/03/2023) Being, Belonging and Believing. Heritage and Legacies of the Second Generation of Balkan Muslims in Belgium, at the Centre for Political History – PoHis – University of Antwerp, Belgium;
(27/04/2021) “Under the Shadow of the Post-s: Semi/Peripheral Epistemologies and Minority Identities from Bulgaria”, Inventing Knowledge project at the University Centre of Excellence – Nicolaus Copernicus University;
(Winter Semester, 2017/2018) Teaching Assistant at the MA Anthropological Studies of the Mediterranean and the Balkans, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria;
International Conferences
(4 -5/12/2023) The (Non)Commemoration of Heritage in Eastern Europe, at the Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.
(26-29/06/2023) Law and Care Workshop at Krytyka Polityczna in Warsaw, Poland, and organised by the Forum Transregionale Studien in Berlin;
(08-09/12/2022) The Heritage of Central-Eastern Europe, at the Institute of European Studuies, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland;
(27/10/2022) Worlding from South East Europe, remaking International Relations, online workshop organised by the British International Studies Association (BISA), UK;
(25-26/10/2022) Faces of Post-Memory – Conflict or Negotiation? at the Institute of Intercultural Studies, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland;
(20-09/1-10/2022) Transforming State Socialism in East-Central Europe: Historical Sociology of the Long Change, University of Warsaw, Poland;
(9/12/2021) 3rd Polish Conference on Memory Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland.
(26/11/2021) AACaPS – ESAANZ Conference 2021 “Beyond Borders and Boundaries: Europe, Eurasia and Asia”, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
(18-19/11/2021) “Assassins of Memory – Political and legal problems of uncovering, whitewashing and rewriting history”, Polish Academy of Sciences Scientific Centre in Vienna, Austria;
(04-08/10/2021) International Academic Week 2021 “Memory Cultures since 1945: Germans-Southeast European Entangled History”, Sudosteuropa Gesellschaft – Tutzing, Germany;
(17/06/2021) International conference “The Balkans and the Post-Colonial World”, U of Vienna, Austria;
(05/03/2021) “Rethinking post-Pandemic Education in the Western Balkans” (online event) powered by Kosovo Foundation for Open Society;
(20/02/2021) International Conference Postmemory and World Societies, U of Gdansk, Poland;
(11-14/09/2019) “Ethno-Politics in Kosovo: Twenty Years On” at the 13th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“, Bulgaria;
(15/06/2019) Dialoguing between the Posts 2.0: (Im)Possible Dialogue Between the Progressive Forces of the “Posts, U of Belgrade – Department of Political Science, Serbia;
(19/11/2018) “Redefining Multiculturalism: Theory, Critique and Practice”, workshop organised by Forum for Glocal Change, Goethe Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria;
(8/09/2018) “Languages, Identities, Communities: An Interdisciplinary Perspective from Bulgaria and Kosovo” at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria;
(5/07/2018) “Minority Mobilisation in Local Contexts” at the 2018 ASN European Conference Nationalism in Time of Uncertainty, UniGraz, Austria;
(18-20/10/2017) 2017 Istanbul Human Security Conference, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey;
(28-30/08/2017) “The radical – hero or frightening other?” at the 6th PACSA Conference on Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion, U of Amsterdam, Netherlands;
(27-28/01/2017) Re-Inventing Eastern Europe Euroacademia Conference, Belgrade, Serbia;
(15-17/09/2016) “Political Mobilization of Ethnic Minorities and Anti-Minority Discourse in Europe” Conference, Babeș-Bolyai University, Department of Political Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
(30/05/2016) Lecture in “Ethnic Minorities Issues in the Light of the Armenian Constitution Reforms” at the Yerevan State University, Armenia;
Short Takes
(23/02/2023) La corruzione e’ il muto su cui rischia di sbattere il Piano Mattei, True.;
(30/01/2023) L’Italia prova la rimonta nei Balcani dopo anni di assenza, True.;
(27/05/2021) Quel bluff Ue sui migranti: cosi’ mina le mosse di Draghi, IlGiornale;
(26/01/2021) Ecco cosa si intende per “Balcanizzazione”, InsideOver;
(01/10/2020) I venti di guerra nel Caucaso potrebbe smuovere le acque dell’Egeo, InsideOver;
(03/07/2020) L’incognita Serbia nel cuore dei Balcani, InsideOver;
(December) Interview with Vanessa Piccione for TG Mondo – Unicusano Tv.
(March 2023) Interview with Vladimir Mitev and Malgorzata Kulbaczewska-Figat for the Cross-Border Talks;
(May 2022) Interview with Brett Buttliere at the University Centre for Excellence – IMSErt, Torun, Poland;
(April 2022) Introduction to my research paper “What would have been my name? The Post-Memory of the “Generation After” the Revival Process in Bulgaria“;