Working papers
- Believing and Belonging? Religious Salience and Politicality of Second-Generation Bosnian Muslims in the Time of Illiberal Democracy (project OPUS22);
- Neither Westerners, Nor Easteners: The Unequal Belonging of Second-Generation Balkan Muslims in Belgium and Germany (project OPUS22);
Research Papers
- (co-authored) “Mnemonic Wars and Parallel Polis: The Anti-Politics of Memory in Central and Southeast Europe: Kosovar Women and Black/Roma Lives Matters“, in: Memory Studies, 15 (6), pp. 1406-1419.
- “What would have been my name? The Post-Memory of the Revival Process of the “Generation After” in Bulgaria“, in: Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 9, 1 (2022) 47-64;
- “Debunking ‘the Great Equalizer’ Discourse. Minority Perspectives from Bulgaria and Kosovo during the First Shockwave of Covid-19 Pandemic“, in: Teorija in Praksa – Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Science, Vol. 58, (2021) 616-631;
- “Theorising Good Personhood in Kosovo. Inconspicuous Coexistence and Local Serb Responses to Security and Identity Dilemma“, in: Journal of Ethnopolitics and Minorities Issues in Europe, (2021) 78-103;
- “Debating (Post-)Coloniality in Southeast Europe. A Minority Oriented Perspective in Bulgaria“, in: Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 1 (2021) 89-103;
- “Good Personhood in Kosovo. A Serbian Perspective from Below“, in: Peacebuilding, Vol.9, 4 (2021) 425-440;
- “(Im)Possible Tolerance. A Paradox from within Multicultural Society” in: Balkan Journal of Philosophy – Special Issue on “Tolerance and Its Limits” (2019) 31-40;
- “Whose Identity? Rethinking Islam in Contemporary Southeast Europe“, in: Prizren Social Sciences Journal, vol. 2, 2, (2018) 114 – 126;
- “Interview with Francesco Trupia on Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict’, in: In Statu Nascendi – Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations, vol. 1, 2018, ibidem-Verlag, (2018) 117 -129; *co-authored with Piotr Pietrzak.
- “In Armenia’s Traces. Toward A New Armenian Perspective of Reconciliation“, in: Research in Social Change (Journal), 10, 1, (2018) 25-42;
- Migranthood and Self-Governing Rights: A New Paradigm for the post-Communist Eastern Europe, in: Eastern Journal of European Studies, vol. 8, 1, (2017) 177-195.
- “Unfreezing the “Other”: Collective Trauma and Psychological Warfare over the Nagorno-Karabakh Rivalry“, in: Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, vol. 2, 3, (2017) 30-43;
- “The Constitutional Reform and the Position of the Ethnic Minorities in the Republic of Armenia“, in: Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, vol. 2, 2, (2016) 20-28;
Research Monograph
- Rethinking Subalternity in Central and Eastern Europe. London: Transnational Press London (2020), pp.200,ISBN 978-1-912997-45-9.
Chapters in Collective Volumes
- “Whose Heroes? The Paradox of Non-Commemoration of the Interwar Period in Bulgaria and Ukraine”, in Kinga Anna Gajda (Ed.) Non-Commemoration of the Heritage in Eastern Europe, Berlin: Peter Lang, pp.109-130.
- “Beyond Multiculturalism. Minority Intellectuals in the Postsocialist Predicament of Southeast Europe” in: Petkovska, Sanja (Ed.), Decolonial Politics in European Peripheries, London: Routledge, Chapter 7, p.129-144.
- “Between Resistance and State Violence: The Co-Beloning and Non-Exclusivity of Pomak Heritage”, in: Kinga Anna Gajda (Ed.) The Heritage of Central-East Europe, 2023, Berlin: Peter Lang, pp.159-177.
- “Decolonising Bulgaria’s Official Amnesia of the Communist Past: A Pericentric Approach to Minority Memories of Anti-Communist Resistance”, in: Christian Voß, Katerina Kralova, Sabina Ferhadbegović (Eds.) ‘Memory Cultures in Southeast Europe since 1945’, October 2021. Berlin 2023, Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch, 47, pp.169-186.
- Good Personhood in Kosovo: A Serbian Perspective From Below, in: Local and International Determinants of Kosovo’s Statehood – © Kosovo Foundation for Open Society, p. 135-165.
- Kosovo-Serbia: A Territorial Swap for the Élites – Not to People, in: In Brief: Takes on Kosovo’s Policy Challenges – 2019 © Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS), 2019, 8-9.
- Good Personhood: Serb Local Responses to Citizenship Dilemma in Everyday Life, in: In Brief: Takes on Kosovo’s Policy Challenges – 2019 © Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS), 2019, 25-27.
- Idiosyncratic Identity of Muslim Turks and the Romani of Bulgaria: Rethinking Human Security through the Prism of Self-Governing Rights’, in: Reinventing Eastern Europe. Imaginaries, Identities and Transformation (ed. E. Doğan) Transnational Press London (UK), Chapter 7, (2019):115 -130;
Book Reviews
- Ethnic Cleansing during the Cold War. The Forgotten 1989 Expulsion of Turks from Communist Bulgaria (by Tomasz Kamusella) New York: Routledge, 2019, 270pp, East European Politics, 2021;
- The Burden of the Past. History, Memory and Identity in Contemporary Ukraine. (Anna Wylegała and Małgorzata Głowacka-Grajper, eds.) Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2020, in: Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Vol. 38, n.1-2, (2021):148-150;
- Ideology and International Institutions (by Erik Voeten), Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021, 239 pp, The Rest – Journal of Politics and Development, Vol. 11, No 2 (2021): 141-142;
- The Intermarium as the Polish-Ukrainian Linchpin of Baltic-Black Sea Cooperation (Ostap Kushnir, ed.) Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019, 180 pp., East European Politics, vol.36, 1 (2020), 143-145;
- EU Enlargement and Civil Society in the Western Balkans. From Mobilisation to Empowerment (by Natasha Wunsch) Zurich: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 171 pp., East European Politics, 35, 3 (2019), 396-399;
- Ukraine and Russian Neo-Imperialism. The Divergent Break (by Ostap Kushnir) Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018, 203 pp., East European Politics, vol. 35, 1, (2019), 113-115;
- Russian speakers in post-Soviet Latvia. Discursive identity strategy (by A. Cheskin) Edinburg: Edinburg University Press, 2016, 248 pp., East European Politics, vol. 34, 4, (2018), 503-508;
- De-Stalinising Eastern Europe. The rehabilitation of Stalin’s Victims after 1953 (eds. McDermott, Kevin, and Matthew Stibbe) New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp. , in Україна модерна, pp. 300-326
Policy Papers
- (10/2023) Reconciling with You(th): Toward a New Roadmap to Active Citizenship, Institute of European Democrats (IED), Bruxelles, Belgium;
- (09/2022) Francesco Trupia and Gentiola Madhi, “Make Kosovo Green Again. Environmentalism as a Means of Civic Eucation“, Kosovo Research and Analysis Fellowship (KRAF) © Kosovo Foundation for Open Society;
- (10/2022) What, where and whose democracy? Resetting Democratisation in Southeast Europe amidst Autocratic Temptations, Institute of European Democrats (IED), Bruxelles, Belgium;
- (06/2021) Francesco Trupia, “Rethinking-and-Changing: A Lose-Lose Perspective for the Future of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia-Azerbaijan Relations” Caucasus Institute, Yerevan (Armenia), Guest Publications;
- (04/2021) Francesco Trupia and Gentiola Madhi, “Reforming or Reconceptualising Post-Pandemic Education in the Western Balkans? An analysis of Albania, Kosovo and Serbia“, Kosovo Research and Analysis Fellowship (KRAF) © Kosovo Foundation for Open Society.
- Francesco Trupia et al., De Facto States in Time of Covid-19 Pandemic, © Centre for Security Analyses and Prevention (CBAP);
- (11/2018) Francesco Trupia and Daniyal Shajar, ‘Left Behind in the Balkans. A Cross-Country Analysis of the Post-Balkan Route’ © Institute for Islamic Strategic Affairs, London (UK);
- (04/2017) Francesco Trupia, ‘Ghettoization, Insecurity and Destabilization: Refugees Crisis in Southeast Europe and South Caucasus’, © Institute for Islamic Strategic Affairs, London (UK);
- (02/2017) Francesco Trupia, ‘Connecting Humanitarian Logistics and Refugee Integration’, © Institute for Islamic Strategic Affairs, London (UK);
*In Italian:
- Francesco Trupia and Silvia Samorè, “Una Nuova Cortina di Ferro? La sfida Sinorussa nell’Europa Centrale e nei Balcani“, Alpha Institute for Geopolitics and Intelligence;
- Francesco Trupia and Shary Mitidieri, “Scenari di Destabilizzazione, Rischio e Sicurezza in Nagorno-Karabakh. Il Ruolo Italiano all’interno del Nuovo Assetto Regionale“, Alpha Institute of Geopolitics and Intelligence.
- Gaetano Mauro Potenza and Francesco Trupia, “Il Nagorno-Karabakh una variabile di Sicurezza Energetica nel mercato energetico europeo“, Alpha Institute of Geopolitics and Intelligence & Italiana Professionisti Security Aziendale;
- Francesco Trupia, “Identità, Esclusione e Disaffezione Politica: L’enclave di Velika Hoča’, in: Human Security, 8 (2008) 12.14;
Op-eds & Short Articles
- (2023, 10 February) Francesco Trupia: North Kosovo crisis – the dilemma and turnaround of Kosovo Serbs, Saint Pierre Center for International Security, here.
- (2022, 3 August) Kosovo’s waste (mis)management: From failures to alternatives, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, here, *co-authored with Gentiola Madhi.
- (2022, 22 July) Green Education and Environmental Activism in Kosovo, Lossi 36 – Stories from Bishkek to Berlin, here, *co-authored with Gentiola Madhi.
- (2022, 23 June) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: Attempts for a Circular Economy in Kosovo, Forum für Mittelost- und Südosteuropa, here, *co-authored with Gentiola Madhi.
- (2021, 4 November) Europe’s amnesia of Revival Process and its Turkish victims, Politika News, here.
- (2021, 12 July) Quo Vadis, Education? Another lost (pandemic) year in the Western Balkans, Lossi 36 – Stories from Bishkek to Berlin, here. *co-authored with Gentiola Madhi;
- (2021, 18 May) The ‘Non-Papers Temptation’: Neither a Way Out, Nor Forward to the Serbia-Kosovo Reconciliation, CARM – Centrum pre Analýzy, here, *co-authored with Fitore Fejza;
- (2021, 25 February) Teaching and Parenting: Serbia’s Strains and Divides through Pandemic, Forum für Mittelost- und Südosteuropa, here;
- (2021, 23 February) Debunking Victimhood: short stories of Pomak uprisings in communist Bulgaria, Lossi – 36 Stories from Bishkek to Berlin, here;
- (2020, 3 December) Covid-19: the pandemic is testing the Balkan countries’ education systems, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, available in English here, and Italian here. *co-authored with Gentiola Madhi;
- (2020, 1 December) Brutal as usual? Bulgaria’s Communist Heritage and National Postmemory, Lossi 36 – Stories from Bishkek to Berlin, here;
- (2020, 19 November) Loosening the Karabakh Knot: Why Peacekeeping Won’t Be Enough, New Eastern Europe, available here; *Article translated in Indonesian, here, and Lithuanian, here;
- (2020, 30 September) “(Re-)Othering the Village”, Lossi 36-Stories from Bishkek to Berlin, available here;
- (2020, 14 August) “Conversing Covid with Francesco Trupia”, The Security Distillery, available here;
- (2020, 28 July) “The Donbas Conundrum through the Lens of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: A Comparison”, Forum for Ukrainian Studies, available here.
- (2020, 16 May) “Europe’s richest states exploit Romanian and Bulgarian migrants before they even start working”, The Baricade, here; Available in Romanian here, and Bulgarian here;
- (2020, April) “Covid-19 in Bulgaria”, Institute for Politics and Society, available here;