Working papers

  • Believing and Belonging? Religious Salience and Politicality of Second-Generation Bosnian Muslims in the Time of Illiberal Democracy (project OPUS22);
  • Neither Westerners, Nor Easteners: The Unequal Belonging of Second-Generation Balkan Muslims in Belgium and Germany (project OPUS22);

Research Papers

Research Monograph

Chapters in Collective Volumes                                                                                            

Book Reviews

Policy Papers

*In Italian:

Op-eds & Short Articles

  • (2023, 10 February) Francesco Trupia: North Kosovo crisis – the dilemma and turnaround of Kosovo Serbs, Saint Pierre Center for International Security, here
  • (2022, 3 August) Kosovo’s waste (mis)management: From failures to alternatives, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, here, *co-authored with Gentiola Madhi.
  • (2022, 22 July) Green Education and Environmental Activism in Kosovo, Lossi 36 – Stories from Bishkek to Berlin, here, *co-authored with Gentiola Madhi.
  • (2022, 23 June) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: Attempts for a Circular Economy in Kosovo, Forum für Mittelost- und Südosteuropa, here, *co-authored with Gentiola Madhi.
  • (2021, 4 November) Europe’s amnesia of Revival Process and its Turkish victims, Politika News, here.
  • (2021, 12 July) Quo Vadis, Education? Another lost (pandemic) year in the Western Balkans, Lossi 36 – Stories from Bishkek to Berlin, here. *co-authored with Gentiola Madhi;
  • (2021, 18 May) The ‘Non-Papers Temptation’: Neither a Way Out, Nor Forward to the Serbia-Kosovo Reconciliation, CARM – Centrum pre Analýzy, here, *co-authored with Fitore Fejza;
  • (2021, 25 February) Teaching and Parenting: Serbia’s Strains and Divides through Pandemic, Forum für Mittelost- und Südosteuropa, here;
  • (2021, 23 February) Debunking Victimhood: short stories of Pomak uprisings in communist Bulgaria, Lossi – 36 Stories from Bishkek to Berlin, here;
  • (2020, 3 December) Covid-19: the pandemic is testing the Balkan countries’ education systems, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, available in English here, and Italian here. *co-authored with Gentiola Madhi;
  • (2020, 1 December) Brutal as usual? Bulgaria’s Communist Heritage and National Postmemory, Lossi 36 – Stories from Bishkek to Berlin, here;
  • (2020, 19 November) Loosening the Karabakh Knot: Why Peacekeeping Won’t Be Enough, New Eastern Europe, available here; *Article translated in Indonesian, here, and Lithuanian, here;
  • (2020, 30 September) “(Re-)Othering the Village”, Lossi 36-Stories from Bishkek to Berlin, available here;
  • (2020, 14 August) “Conversing Covid with Francesco Trupia”, The Security Distillery, available here;
  • (2020, 28 July) “The Donbas Conundrum through the Lens of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: A Comparison”, Forum for Ukrainian Studies, available here.
  • (2020, 16 May) “Europe’s richest states exploit Romanian and Bulgarian migrants before they even start working”, The Baricade, here; Available in Romanian here, and Bulgarian here;
  • (2020, April) “Covid-19 in Bulgaria”, Institute for Politics and Society, available here;